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August 18, 2020

The Best Smart Home Devices to Keep Your Entire House Clean

couple with sitting with robot vacuum

It is not all doom and gloom in 2020 - technology and smart home devices are still powering on! Advances in home appliances could not be more welcome than at a time when we’re all spending more time around the house, and cleanliness is a number one priority. Thankfully, keeping everything clean and healthy is as easy as it’s ever been. Robots are becoming ubiquitous in our daily lives, with our phones knowing everything about us and some of our cars even starting to drive themselves.

Not all of us are obsessed with having the latest technology at any cost, but instead, aim to make intelligent and productive purchasing decisions. It’s true that not every device you buy will actually benefit your life in a meaningful way. Having said this, here are some of the best smart home devices and robots to start researching as a way to keep your home, family and friends clean and healthy - without the time investment!


Air purifiers

Air purifiers have rapidly accelerated in popularity throughout the last yet. They are simple devices that quietly clean the air you and your family breath. The benefits are clear: fewer toxins, removing excess carbon dioxide and potentially dangerous allergens in your local environment. While a basic air purifier can be sourced for less than a hundred dollars, high-quality designs will set you back a lot more. However, they may very well be worth it as they act as a fan, heater and purifier all in one device. Quality air purifiers operate automatically, kicking in when it senses a drop in your home’s air quality. It’s no wonder they’re so popular!


Robotic pool cleaners

If you’re lucky enough to have a pool, automated pool cleaners are a must. While it’s winter and you’re probably not getting in as much as you’d like - maintenance is still a must. Robotic pool cleaners are nothing new, but the latest models sure turn it up a notch. They’re extra productive, intelligently driving themselves around your entire pool - using suction to climb any walls. These robots will scrub your tiles and make sure your pool is in tip-top condition come warmer weather. With smart home integration, they can even be scheduled and controlled using an app on your phone.

Window cleaning robots

Have you heard of a window cleaning robot before? Neither had we, until recently. While not commonly used (yet!), these devices use vacuum suction to stick to your windows, moving themselves up, down and around to leave your windows spotless. They work indoors and outdoors, intelligently mapping your window to ensure nothing gets missed. Simply set them a task with your smartphone and watch them go!

Robot vacuum cleaners

Robotic vacuums are specially engineered to do almost all the work for you. They work exactly like a regular vacuum, sucking up dust and debris. The difference is that they use a range of advanced methods to achieve the task as efficiently as possible on your behalf. Robot vacuums are usually smaller than their manual alternatives, yet pack a whole lot more tech. They all use smart sensors to map your home, devise the most energy-efficient route, set customisable cleaning zones and stop themselves from falling down your stairs. 

“Robot vacuums come with a mobile app that allows you to control them on the go.”

When their battery runs low, they’re smart enough to return to their charging dock and power up again automatically, so they’re ready to go when you next need them. The best part is that you don’t even have to be there to tell them what to do. Almost all modern robot vacuum cleaners come with a mobile app that allows you to control them on the go. Set the mode, speed, where you want cleaning, and when you want it done. Have a friend coming over? Ask your robot to zip around for a quick clean as you’re leaving work, leaving your floors spotless by the time you get home.

Robotic mops

Some advanced robot vacuums will also mop your home. While these robots can’t wholly replace your old-fashioned elbow-grease, they can go a long way. Robot mops carry a water tank which you fill up when required. Modern tanks are quite large, so your robot mop will be able to mop most homes in one go. To complete this fantastic task, they utilise reusable mop attachments that need washing and replacing every so often. Get a robot vacuum with a mop and save yourself a whole bunch of additional cleaning time.

Building an effective and efficient smart home ecosystem is a great way to keep your home safe, clean and healthy without the extra effort. Roborock is a global leader in the robot vacuum space, continually pushing innovation and the latest in smart-home cleaning automation. Our newest release, the Roborock S6 Pure, allows you to maximise your mopping efficiency with a larger water tank and lighter form-factor than its predecessors. The improved sensors ensure superior tracking and fall avoidance, providing a stress-free clean, every time. You can check out our full range here. If you have any questions or need further advice, contact us today.