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June 24, 2020

Common Vacuum Cleaner Problems and How to Fix Them

how to fix robot vacuum

Our lives are hectic at the best of times, and so we expect our time-saving devices to work precisely as they should. Some activities are more enjoyable than others, with vacuuming traditionally not being one of the most popular ones. Nonetheless, vacuuming is an essential task in maintaining a clean and healthy household. While the vast majority of the time vacuum cleaner’s are incredibly reliable, there will inevitably be instances where issues arise, and it will usually happen at the most inconvenient times. Fortunately, most vacuum cleaner problems are easy to solve once you know what’s going on. Here are five of the most common issues we’ve all faced at one time or another and how to fix them.

Problem #1: There is little or no suction

A lack of suction is a big issue for a vacuum cleaner - that’s the number one thing it’s designed to do! It’s also one of the most complicated to diagnose, as there are many reasons why there may be a lack of power. Here are several of the most common:

  • A blockage. Clumps of debris, dirt or other objects can block the head, hose or neck of your vacuum. Carefully check to see by removing the hose and using a long object, such as a broom handle to unlodge any culprits.
  • The bag is full. No matter what type of vacuum cleaner you have, a full dust bag will prevent your device from working correctly. Get in the habit of emptying it after each use.
  • The filter is impacted. All airflow through your vacuum goes through a filter. If this filter is damaged or dirty, the flow of air will be affected. Cleaning or replacing your filter may bring back the suction power you’ve been missing.
  • Incorrect setting. Advanced vacuum cleaners can automatically recognise the flooring they operate on and increase their suction to match. If your device doesn’t do this, make sure you’re using the right attachment, brush height and power setting for the floor-type you’re cleaning.


Problem #2: Your vacuum smells bad

If you want a clean home, you probably want a pleasant smell to match. There are a few causes for this, the most common being built up debris within the device. If you let old dirt and dust sit in the dust bag for an extended period, any new air that flows through will risk ejecting these particles and smells back into the atmosphere. Additional causes include the frequency of picking up pet hair and dampness (from a wet filter) leading to mould buildup within the machine.

So how do you improve the smell?

  1. Sprinkle baking soda: put some baking soda in the dust bag, it will act to neutralise any smells.
  2. Use cinnamon or coffee beans: these additives are excellent and easy ways to leave a pleasant, sweet smell across your home.
  3. Insert scented pads or drops of lavender: adding a scented pad above the filter is a nifty tool to improve the smell of expelled air. Drop lavender oil over the filter to leave your room smelling like flowers.
  4. Add fresheners to your floors: stronger than cinnamon, carpet fresheners are designed to last for days. It will be sucked into your appliance too, leaving it smelling fantastic until your next clean.


Problem #3: There’s a trail of debris

You’ve just completed a cleaning job only to see a noticeable trail of dirt where you just cleaned… While this may be incredibly annoying, it’s also one of the most straightforward fixes. Assuming you’ve already emptied the dust bag, your next step is to clean the brush and check if it’s broken. If the brush doesn’t spin freely, it can’t pick up dirt. If it’s not broken and it’s still not spinning, the issue is with the internal belt. Consult your manufacturer’s guidelines and replace it.


Problem #4: It won’t turn or stay on

This is a frustrating problem and is more challenging to diagnose. If your vacuum successfully starts but then fails to keep running is probably overheating, causing the system to shut itself down. Try turning it off and letting it cool down for an extended period. If your vacuum never even turns on it’s likely a part has stopped working. Your first step is to test; it’s not the charger or power cord. Plug them into another power point or experiment with a different charging unit altogether, if possible. If either issue persists, consult a professional or consider upgrading to something new.


How to minimise these problems moving forward

Two words. Maintenance and upgrade. Maintaining your current vacuum cleaner keeps it in the best possible condition to continue operating issue-free. Clean it regularly, empty the dust bag, replace the filter when needed and check for damaged or worn down parts. Doing these things regularly will maximise its longevity, performance and value.

“If you want to spend less time cleaning and more time living, take a look at a robot vacuum cleaner”

If your vacuum is regularly having issues or simply isn’t up to standard, it’s time to consider upgrading. If you want to spend less time cleaning and more time living, take a look at a robot vacuum cleaner. You can automate them to run whenever you want, they’re modern and easy to maintain, and some will even mop too. They’ll build a map of your home and return to their charging dock whenever they need a fresh charge.

Roborock is a global leader in the robot vacuum space, continually pushing innovation and the latest in smart-home cleaning automation. Our newly announced model, the Roborock H6 Adapt, is the world’s longest-lasting handheld stick vacuum. The Roborock H6 is exceptionally lightweight, comes packed with bonus attachments, and features an advanced sealed filtration system. You can check out our full range here. If you have any questions or need advice, contact us today.